HomeTourist InformationWeather in Naples

Weather in Naples

Naples has a Mediterranean weather, the best time to visit the city is from April to November. From April to mid-May and from mid-September to early November you will have to take into account possible rainy days. In the summer, especially in July and August, there can be many sunny and not excessively hot days, but in other cases, the heat can be intense and sultry. However, if you don’t fear the heat, you can also choose this period. For swimming in Naples Italy and on the nearby coasts (see Ischia, Procida, Capri, Sorrento, Amalfi), on the other hand, summer is good, especially from June to mid-September.

Spring, from March to May, the weather in Naples is mild, with the rains gradually becoming rarer, and the beautiful days more frequent. However, in March there can be cold and windy days, and sometimes even in April. May is generally a nice, pleasant and sunny month, although there may still be some cool and rainy days.

Summer, from June to August, is hot and sunny. Rains are very rare, but occasional thunderstorms cannot be ruled out. Generally the air is muggy, but the breezes temper the heat. Inside the city, however, in the most densely populated neighborhoods, the heat is felt. When the sirocco blows from Africa there can be very hot days, with highs of 35 degrees and more.

Autumn, from September to November, the weather in Naples Italy is very mild, with some beautiful days, sometimes still with a summer flavor, especially in September and October. However, autumn is also rainy, with possible waves of bad weather, associated with rains and thunderstorms, sometimes even strong, especially starting from mid-October. Starting from November, the first days can be quite cold, especially in the second half of the month.

Winter, from December to February, is mild and rainy. The rains occur in periods of bad weather that last a few days, even in the form of a night storm, and are accompanied by the wind. There are also beautiful days, very pleasant during the day, but also a bit cold at night. In other cases there may also be cold days, accompanied by the north wind, in which rain can fall, and snow in the mountains, so much so that you can admire the snow-covered Vesuvius.

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