Sansevero Chapel

Sansevero Chapel Naples itinerary
Located in the heart of the ancient center of Naples Italy, the Sansevero Chapel Museum is a jewel of the international artistic heritage. Baroque creativity and dynastic pride, beauty and mystery intertwine here, creating a unique atmosphere, almost out of time. The Sansevero Chapel is one of the most important museums in Naples Italy. Located near Saint Domenico Maggiore Square, this church, now deconsecrated, is adjacent to the family palace of the princes of Sansevero, separated from it by an alley once surmounted by a suspension bridge which allowed family members to access the place privately of worship.

Among masterpieces such as the famous Veiled Christ, whose image has traveled the world for the prodigious “weaving” of the marble veil, wonders of virtuosity such as Disillusion and enigmatic presences such as the Anatomical Machines, the Sansevero Chapel represents one of the most singular monuments that human ingenuity has ever conceived. According to legend, the marble veil that can be observed on the body of Christ is made up of a veil of real fabric that has undergone a transformation into rock (marbling) thanks to the application of a substance created by the Prince of San Severo, a famous alchemist. In reality, the veil effect is due to the great artistic talent of Giuseppe Sanmartino or the author of the sculpture and the legend has been debunked by analyzes carried out specifically.

In the Sansevero Chapel in Naples Italy there are two skinless bodies that are thought to belong to those who were once the prince’s servants. The legend of the petrifying potion of the mysterious prince, however, has given rise to different versions of the same story, some more plausible and acceptable than others that seem more imaginative. Among some deeds drawn up by notaries of the time, the writing of a real contract signed between the Prince of San Severo and Doctor Salerno is documented. The document describes the task assigned by the nobleman to the doctor who would have had the task of building a pair of skeletons complete with the cardiovascular system that the alchemist had prepared. The contract specifically contains the instructions according to which the arteries and veins must be made of wire and wax in different colors. If you are planning your holiday to visit Naples Italy, visit the Sansevero Chapel is one of the things to do.