
Spaccanapoli Naples
Spaccanapoli is one of the symbolic streets of Naples Italy and is so called because it divides the ancient city in two, between north and south. Commonly called the Lower Decumanus, it is a long straight line of the historic center which, together with the Decumanus Major and the Decumanus Superior, is one of the three main arteries of the original Greek urban layout. The street is one of the most famous and animated streets in the city and in the historic center of Naples Italy.

Here there are many sites of historical and artistic interest in Naples italy. Numerous churches stand out, including the Basilica of Santa Chiara, the Church of Gesù Nuovo, the Church of San Domenico Maggiore. We also find an infinity of historic noble palaces, including Filomarino Palace, Petrucci Palace, Venezia Palace, Marigliano Palace. Originally the route rose from San Domenico Maggiore Square and continued as far as Duomo Street. In Roman times, the street lengthened and also incorporated the area of the present Gesù Nuovo Square as evidenced by the remains of the Roman baths found under the cloister of the basilica of Santa Chiara. The modern concept of Spaccanapoli, on the other hand, also includes the expansions that took place during the sixteenth century which saw the initial stretch extended to the Spanish Quarters. Today the decumanus begins from Pasquale Scura Street, located on the top of the Spanish Quarters.

Immediately after, you arrive at the central part, which begins with the intersection of Toledo Street, and is formed by Maddaloni Street, Domenico Capitelli Strett, Benedetto Croce and San Biagio dei Librai Street. The side on the Forcella instead represents the final stretch. Along San Biagio dei Librai Street, one of the roads that climbs towards the north, connecting the lower decuman to the greater one, is San Gregorio Armeno Street. The Lower Decumanus in Naples Italy in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance was one of the most aristocratic streets in the city. It is a very suggestive and characteristic stretch of road. Going through Spaccanapoli actually means experiencing Neapolitan culture live, savoring the scent of its food, immersing yourself in its music and its language. If you are planning your holiday to visit Naples Italy, visit Spaccanapoli is one of the things to do.